Name That Bird!

Hey there friends!  Ever have one of those days where you were up late or you got up in the middle of the night and then realized you weren’t sure if you got any sleep at all?  Sometimes I have days and then forget to do something and then I’m thinking about it all night only to realize that I’ve spent my time thinking about it and not sleeping when I could’ve just got up and done it!😂

This post is sort of a representation of that issue!  Not only did I forget or run out of time to get my post ready, but it’s also THE last day of the month to get these projects finished for the challenges they were intended for!  Story of my life!


Oh my gosh this is too funny!!🤣  A few months back I had spent some time at the Taylored Expressions store and had a laugh at some of the sentiments that I didn’t realize were in the store and decided that they would make some great cards to send out and they go well with those Grumplings stamps too!  I also wanted to participate in the #TEMAKER challenge before it ends, so I enjoyed putting this one together!

Believe it or not, I had a sample of dental floss in my purse and decided to pull some out and use it for this card!  LOL!  It meets the challenge which is to use something from your purse or junk drawer!  I just tied it around the card front!  I used some dies from my stash for the tree branch and the hexagon shape.  The papers comes from Taylored Expressions along with the Grouchy Grumplings II stamp set (owl) that I cut out with the coordinating die and popped him up with foam tape over the branch.  The hilarious sentiment comes from the Pitch Black stamp set and I know I’ll be using some of those others on more cards soon!  Tee hee!  I also found some fun yellow sequins laying on my desk and added them to finish it off!


Here’s a closer view of the “bird” and how I’ve colored him up with my copic markers.  I’ve used the TE papers to cut out the pieces in the branch as well as the background and hexagon shapes.  If you look at the “bird’s” eyes, you can see where I’ve added some glossy accents.  He does look a bit tired!!


The reason for the strip at the bottom actually came from a mistake in calculating measurements for my card panel, so I just added a strip that I cut out from the hexagon die and used it as part of the design.  Sometimes there are ways to fix mistakes, so never think you’ve ruined something!

I hope you’ve gotten a chuckle from my card today as it has made me laugh!!😆  Thanks so much for dropping in today as I really appreciate your support and thoughts here!

P.S.  I have been busy “behind the scenes” doing various different things and haven’t shared them as of yet in my posts, but here’s a little look at what I’ve been doing lately:

Vicki-DDSLadyinWaiting-colored1Vicki-DDS-New Little OnesVicki-DDSPrimrose-colored2Vicki-DDS-Sunflower DreamsVicki-DDS-WintertimePenguins

I also haven’t shared my latest masculine cards, so I’ll be sharing those soon as well as other things I’m working on too!  Just getting things sorted out and taking the time to do it is all!

Have a great day and I’ll be seeing you soon!

Challenges (for bird card):

  1.  Taylored Expressions – #TEMAKERCHALLENGE – hexagon, yellow & purse
  2. Simon Says Stamp Wednesday – Anything Goes
  3. Colour Crazy Craft – Any Handcolored Image
  4. Creative Fingers– #189 Anything Goes
  5. Crafting Happiness– #55 Anything Goes
  6. Use Your Stuff – Free Week
  7. Creatalicious – #190 Anything Goes